How to Make Consistent Content Creation More Manageable

Creating content involves more than generating quality ideas — it demands careful planning and organization. The key to successful content creation lies in maintaining consistency.

Here are eight practical ways to make consistent content creation more manageable.

  1. Understand your audience

Knowing your ideal customer is a fundamental aspect of successful business strategy. It involves identifying and understanding the specific group of people who are most likely to buy your product or service. This allows you to tailor your marketing and sales efforts more effectively, ensuring that they are targeting the individuals who are most interested in what you offer and creating content tailored to the problem that you solve why they need your product or service.

Here are the things you need to know about your target audience:

  • Demographic Information: This includes age, gender, income level, education, marital status, and occupation. For instance, a luxury brand might target individuals with higher income levels, while educational products might be aimed at a specific age group.

  • Geographic Location: Knowing where your customers live or work can be crucial. This can range from broad categories like countries and cities to more specific locales like neighborhoods or regions. Geographic markers are especially important for local businesses or those with location-specific products.

  • Psychographic Factors: These are more about the personality, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of your customers. For example, a company selling eco-friendly products might target environmentally conscious individuals.

  • Behavioral Data: This includes purchasing habits, brand interactions, product usage, and customer loyalty. Understanding how potential customers interact with products or services similar to yours can guide your marketing and product development.

  • Needs and Pain Points: Identifying the specific problems or needs that your product or service solves is crucial. This could involve understanding challenges faced by customers in their personal or professional lives that your offering can address.

  • B2B Specific Markers: For businesses targeting other businesses, factors like industry type, company size, decision-makers' roles, and the business’s current challenges are important.

  • Technographic Information: This refers to the technologies the target customer uses or is likely to be comfortable with. This is particularly relevant for tech companies or businesses offering digital solutions.

  • Cultural and Social Factors: Understanding the cultural, social, and even religious backgrounds of your target market can influence product adaptation and marketing strategies.

  • Goals: Understanding what they are trying to achieve will help you adapt your offerings to suit the needs of your target audience better.

Download the Ideal Customer Worksheet

2. set clear goals

A 2022 survey from CoSchedule shows that goal-setters are 377% more successful than their peers. These help content marketers create a roadmap for the content they produce. Determining objectives before taking action is essential to ensure the whole team is working toward a similar goal.

Ensure your objectives are manageable — you should be able to realistically accomplish them and all the included steps. Goals may vary from increasing website traffic and improving engagement rates to boosting brand awareness.
Tune into episode #215 of Into The Wild to learn more about Renée’s Preloaded marketing year.

3. Refining your positioning and messaging

Solid positioning and messaging are vital to a content strategy because they anchor the brand’s identity and ensure consistency across all communications. This clarity helps in effectively engaging the target audience by addressing their specific needs and interests, thereby building a loyal customer base. 

A well-defined positioning differentiates the brand in a competitive market, making its content stand out and resonate more profoundly with consumers. Moreover, clear messaging guides the creation of purposeful content that aligns with business objectives, allowing for more precise measurement of success and adaptability to changing market dynamics. In essence, solid positioning and messaging are the foundation upon which successful and impactful content strategies are built, ensuring relevance, consistency, and effectiveness in reaching and engaging audiences.

Strong positioning and messaging serve as the cornerstone of successful and impactful content strategies. They guarantee relevance, consistency, and effectiveness in both reaching and engaging our audiences." - Renée Warren

Creating solid positioning and messaging is crucial to an effective content strategy for several reasons:

  1. Brand Identity and Consistency: Solid positioning helps in defining a clear brand identity. This consistency ensures that all content is aligned with the brand’s values, mission, and goals, making it more recognizable and trustworthy to the audience.

  2. Target Audience Engagement: Well-crafted messaging resonates with the target audience. It helps in addressing their specific needs, problems, and interests, thereby increasing engagement and building a loyal customer base.

  3. Differentiation from Competitors: In a crowded marketplace, unique and clear positioning and messaging help a brand stand out. This differentiation is key to attracting attention in a competitive environment.

  4. Guiding Content Creation: A strong foundation in positioning and messaging provides a guideline for content creation. It ensures that all content is purposeful, relevant, and supports the overall business objectives.

  5. Measuring Success: With clear positioning and messaging, it becomes easier to set benchmarks and measure the success of your content strategy. You can more effectively analyze if your content is hitting the mark with your audience and contributing to your business goals.

  6. Adaptability and Evolution: As markets and audience preferences change, a solid foundation in positioning and messaging allows for more effective adjustments. It helps in maintaining relevance and effectiveness in your content strategy over time.

4. develop a content strategy

The goal of your content strategy is to consistently deliver high-quality content that is valuable to the audience, thereby building trust, enhancing brand reputation, and ultimately driving desired actions, such as customer engagement, lead generation, or sales. A well-crafted content strategy integrates various elements, including editorial calendars, content formats, distribution channels, and metrics for success, ensuring that every piece of content serves a specific purpose within the larger business context.

Here are the factors you need to create a solid content strategy:

  • Content pillars and themes: Pillars are the topics or categories your brand focuses on, while themes delve into specific subtopics derived from those overarching subjects. Defining these factors enables you to provide valuable and diverse content to your audience. 

  • Content formats and types: Social media platforms have varying audiences, which may require different types of content to engage users. Diverse formats and types help you cater to your target market’s preferences.

  • Content platforms: Each social media platform has its ways of communicating and personality. For instance, LinkedIn is for sharing professional expertise and insights, while Instagram is best for showcasing a visual representation of a brand through thumb-stopping photos and videos.

5. ideate and plan

Developing ideas for a month’s worth of content can be challenging. However, you can unearth many sources of information to keep your content flowing. Here are some brainstorming strategies to try:

  • Mind mapping: This technique lets you organize your ideas with a diagram. Start with your central theme, develop subtopics and write related ideas under them. Use colors, lines and images to understand your concepts better.

  • Competitor analysis: List your competitors and analyze their online activity — the content produced, topics covered and formats used. Identify gaps in their strategies and brainstorm new ideas to fill them.

  • Online surveys: Design a simple survey with insightful questions to gain relevant information. Start with the basics, such as age and location, before inquiring about preferred topics and life interests.

Once you have a clear set of ideas, create a content calendar to maintain consistency and ensure timely upload of posts. This timeline provides a visual representation of the content and deadlines. 

6. create and curate content

Armed with solid ideas, you’re now ready to create your content. Here are some tips to develop original and relevant posts:

  • Tell your story: Original written content is engaging. Make yours stand out from billions of others with a unique story. Include tidbits like professional advice and lessons to share important information from a different perspective.

  • Stay consistent: Create a brand kit with logotypes, a color palette and font styles.

  • Encourage interaction: Post content that encourages discussions and user-generated content to foster a sense of community. Use relevant and trending hashtags to help people find you on social media.

Aside from posting original content, curation lets you stay current with industry trends and breaking news. Identify reliable resources and credit appropriately when curating content. Remember to add value to the post to contextualize the topic for your audience.

7. optimize for search engine optimization (seo)

Consistently posting new, quality content can help improve your SEO. Here are some essential tips to increase your website’s visibility online and ultimately drive more traffic and sales:

  • Research and integrate keywords: Select relevant keywords to help your content rank in search results. Try tools like BuzzSumo, Ahrefs Keyword Explorer and Moz Keyword Explorer. Afterward, insert them naturally into your copy.

  • Add images: Visuals make a page more engaging. Insert photos, infographics and videos that bring value to your content.

  • Include a meta description: A meta description is a short blurb about your content that appears below the title tag in a search engine. Insert around 15-160 characters, including your primary keyword

  • Link internally: An internal link is one from your website. Your content needs valuable links for it to rank. It helps search engines better understand, find and rank your post.

8. distribute your content

Now that you’ve built your content arsenal, it’s time to distribute it. Check out these effective distribution strategies:

  • Promote on multiple channels: Go beyond the mainstream channels and try other platforms like Quora or Reddit. Use email marketing tools such as MailChimp to distribute content to your subscriber lists on a weekly basis. Leverage AI-Powered Platforms to analyze audience preferences and customize content delivery. AI can help in predicting trends and creating personalized experiences for users.

  • Repurpose high-performing content: Analyze your website analytics and other data to see which posts have performed well. Repurpose them into different formats, such as podcasts, videos and infographics

  • Use compelling CTAs: A CTA lets the reader know what to do next, which seals the conversion.

  • Cross-promote: Partnering with another brand can double your reach and audience. When cross-promoting, choose a partner with a good reputation. Then, select content formats and channels to help achieve your partnership goals.

9. analyze and adapt

Keeping track of content performance helps you know if you’re hitting your targets and assess where to improve. For instance, a low engagement rate might mean posts don't resonate with the audience. Monitor your website's traffic, page views, keyword rankings, click-through rate (CTR) and organic search traffic. 

For social media platforms, track and analyze reach, impressions, clicks, comments, reactions and average ad frequency. Look for patterns and trends in the data and use your insights to adapt your content strategy.

Collect, measure and analyze data using tools such as Google Analytics, Hootsuite Analytics, Brandwatch and Semrush.

Elevate Your Content Strategy

Implement any of these tips and watch your brand thrive. Remember that consistency is key — success will naturally follow.

The team at We Wild Women can create a killer content marketing strategy for you alongside a world-class PR strategy. Visit

Habit stacking for success

Author bio: Cora Gold is a freelance writer who strives to live a simple but productive life. She is the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. Connect with Cora on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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